
sachi wickramage andrew stotz my worst investment ever podcast i4t global

Dr. Andrew Stotz interviews successful entrepreneurs, investors and financial titans from around the world, who share their heartbreaking tales of investment misfortune. These stories can be absolutely brutal at times, but so can the life of a hopeful investor. Listen and discover with us the best practices for risk management that will keep you in the game. Your Worst Podcast Host, Andrew Stotz, Ph.D., CFA, is also the CEO of A. Stotz Investment Research and A. Stotz Academy, which helps people create, grow, measure, and protect their wealth.

Guest profile:
Sachi Wickramage is the Co-founder, COO & CPO of i4T Global, a disruptive Field Service Management ecosystem. With a track record of co-founding multiple mobile-first startups, Sachi has taken his apps to over 1 million active users across various platforms worldwide.

Actionable advice:
Wait for the moment of intent. Once the moment of intent arises, people are ready for your solution. But if you incorrectly identify the moment of intent, your solution becomes a disturbance because people don’t have a need at that time.

Enjoy My Worst Investment Ever – Episode #673 with Sachi Wickramage.

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Matt Reynolds is an Australian podcaster who runs Trench Talk. In an interview format, he speaks with industry leaders, icons, celebrities and others to discuss everything self-improvement.

During this interview, we covered:
– Sachi’s work and thoughts on sustainability, including is work involving the United Nations World Summit Awards (WSA)
– how Sachi designed a system that facilitates over 8.5 million transactions every day
– the marketing campaign Sachi used during the 2014 Fifa Football World Cup that sent his app FlipBeats to #1 (downloads) in Brazil
– how Sachi got FlipBeats preloaded on all the Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphones that T-mobile released in Germany, and
– the challenges of building large IT systems.

Enjoy Trench Talk – Episode #038 with Sachi Wickramage.

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